Why StageMe is the go-to live shopping solution
Other providers
Business features
First event is always free
Sell on Facebook
Performance-based pricing
Hosted in the USA & EU
SLA Guarantees
You own the data and the users
3rd party data integration API
Technical features
Fully hosted version, no integration needed
Coding required
Integrated version, universally compatible
Coding required
Coding required
Fast custom development / customization
Lengthy and expensive
Up to 1 million concurrent users (SLA)
Some need to adjust capacity on request
Influencer Experience
Screen sharing events (studio & product-free)
Requires studio and products
Classic events
Requires studio and products
Broadcast in landscape mode
Strictly in portrait mode
Broadcast using professional cameras
Strictly with mobile devices
Multi-admin/moderator interface
Limited or not available
No need to install 3rd party apps
Limited or not available
User Experience
Checkout from within the stream
Some offer strictly with Shopify or n/a
Low latency, real time video
Some offer legacy RTMP+HLS
Font, styles, colors customization
Limited or not available
Multi-language public page
Most offer just English
Adaptive video quality / bandwidth
Yes, web-native via UDP transport
Most rely on HLS via TCP
The live stream follows all pages
Including other tabs and at page refresh
Current page only, until is refreshed
The Ultimate Live Shopping Guide
Learn everything you need to know about planning and delivering a seamless live shopping experience. This guide includes carefully crafted checklists and expert advice that will help you accelerate sales.